Adding Inserts into your Chart Wallpaper Layout
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Many times the original chart may be too zoomed out to show details in a specific area, or the wall won't accommodate the geography enabling a feature to be beautifuly displayed. No problem we will take the same chart or a completely different chart of the same area and create an insert to show the feature. In the images above Yarmouth is anchored at the top of the wall due to its location on the original chat (this is a very tall wall) the insert brings their focal point down to eye level. ON the Madeira image we have 2 inserts upper right is a custom title with their name in it and in the upper left is their mermaid logo. The Sales office wanted to show Naples to the Key west but also wanted to feature the location in Charlotte harbor, problem solved with a color matching insert from a different chart. Inserts are always done at no additional cost.